Sorry I've negleted you. I've been busy.

House. Dog. Job.

Anyway, this post will hopefully tie you over until I can post pics of the house, the dog, and maybe I'll throw one in there of me and the hubby.

So I've joined the world of inter office emails. So has Ryan. To sum it up, it bothers me. These emails are basically a device that allows one person to send a message to another person that could be a maximum of 10 feet away. Is it seriously impossible to just get out of your office chair and side step twice to give them the message in person? To me, this system is the equivilent of high school girls texting each other during class while they sit beside each other. You can't tell me there is no difference.

Another parallel: Receiving the text message 'K' from a person who decides that it's necessary to let you know they understand. Wouldn't they let you know if they didn't? Can't we just take silence as understanding sometimes? I'll admit, I've sent one or two 'K's in my time, but usually I send them while I'm in a state of ditz.

Have any inter office email stories for me? Share them, please :)