Ok, people, I'm done!...with planning that is! I'm giving up, and we're eloping! Yahoo! :D
Actually, it's true. Ryan and I already looked into a nice little...place...not too far from home that will suit this little adventure quite perfectly. But, obviously, the whole point of eloping is NOT to tell you the location of this said marriage spot. So I will leave it completely up to your imaginations.
See, this whole wedding planning this is turning into way too many man hours of tedious labour. Life would be much easier had I not been stuck in the house ironing 26 table overlays these pasts 2 weeks. Also, the cost of eloping....CHEAP!! So that's pretty much awesome.

...that picture is making me hungry, and I just got completely sidetracked. What was I talking about? Oh yeah! How excited I was about getting a teapot from Kirsten as our wedding gift.

See you guys at the wedding!

...betcha I totally had you reeling! I can just picture you coming up with persuasive arguments to keep me here. You can tell me anyway. It will probably help.