It's raining. For all those in FSJ...duh. Anyways, I'm in an office for the next three days, and I wanted to share random/wonderful/obviously boring thoughts with you all.

First of all, I rock at loading coupons onto my Safeway card. I can save $2 on Tide-to-Go! SCORE. Also, I can $1 off US Weekly, so I can compare beach bodies of Miley Cyrus and Cameron Diaz. Not as cool, but it's still savings.

Second of all, I had pollution in my tea cup today. My short jaunt from my home to my workplace (about 37 average human steps, not big ones) ruined my tea. Tainted it, really. It was raining so hard that I could actually notice a rise in the water level inside my tea cup. Gross. So when I reached the office, wet, soggy, cold, and unusually happy, I set my tea cup down and just stared at it. I couldn't bring myself to take even a sip knowing that the OSB plant 18 kilometers away had billowed smoke (and whatever else kinda junk that comes outta that thing) into the sky, where it formed a cloud, then combined with the other rainclouds, and then dripped INTO my tea cup. Eww.

So I sit here, in my place of work (clocked out, of course) with tainted tea. Sigh.