Let's just take a moment to remember the book we all hated from high school: The Lord of the Flies. Ok, that's plently long enough. Try to get that nasty image out of your head of the boys dressed in leaves running around with a rotting skull stuck on a stick. Ah, high school, how I miss you.
ANYWAY, this weekend is our family's annual pig roast! And since it was canceled last year because of my marriage to my incredibly calm and completely sane husband, I'm doubly excited. My dad is the pig master. If he were a character in that horrible book, he would be Ralph.
Let me break this down for you because you're probably imagining one of two things:
Prespatou Style Pig Roast
A man shows up to school to pick up his children. Of course, he comes with the tractor. And obviously, it will have a dead, dripping, eyes-gaping pig hanging off the front. Yum. Not. (P.S.- This actually happened. Just sayin')
Townie Style Pig Roast
A man walks into Safeway and asks the butcher for a slab of ham. He greases it up and dumps it into a vat of boiling oil or something. Yum. Not.
A man, my dad, heats a 3 foot deep pit for 12 hours using a bon fire. He stokes the fire, heats up the rocks, and dresses the pig. The pig gets lowered into the pit at a brisk 7 a.m. and literally bakes inside the pit for 10 hours. Then we feast! YUM! YES!
Be jealous.
So I was paging through my old yearbook the other day, and I came across a short story I wrote in Grade 3 (age 8). I laughed out loud as I realized that I've kept the same style of writing since! However, my grammar, spelling, vocabulary, and sentence variety has much improved. I thought I would share it with you all:
Inside Out
One night I was sleeping and I had a dream. My shirt was inside out. My pants were inside out. Everything was inside out. The store was even inside out. I could not believe it. My pencil was inside out. "Mom", I called. My mom came into my room. My mouth dropped open. She was inside out. "Ahhhhhhh!" I screamed. Then I woke up. Boy was I ever huffing and puffing. "Mooom" I screamed. She said, "What happened?" "I had a bad dream." Then I put my shirt on inside out...
The End.
-Still not sure how a pencil, a store, and my mother could be inside out, but hey, at least I have an imagination.
P.S.- Still praying for Carly's family! Glad to see her mom is making a miraculous recovery!
Hi all.
I had an odd thought today (surprised?). Why do people name their inventions after other people, animals, or landscapes? Can't we come up with something original?
For instance, this is a Bobcat:
And what did we name after this cute, cuddly feline?
Do you see the resemblance? I don't.
Another example: Ford.
Name after this man:
...Wait. I'm not sure which one is older...
And finally, this invention:
...was name after the island where the first atomic bomb was tested. That should say something.
Linguini, Martini, Bikini.
Today is my parents 30th wedding anniversary! Woohoo! Go Mom and Dad!
So I thought I take you all back to the place it all began: Prespatou....Kidding! How 'bout 1981?
Music: Jessie's Girl. (Mom, did you ever date a Jessie? Awkward)
Also, Journey's 'Don't Stop Believing', and obviously, my parents took that to heart :)
Fashion Trends: Everything you're NOT supposed to wear. Like this for example. Oh, Olivia, you look much better in 50's garb.
Additionally, hairstyles were, literally, at their biggest. And thanks to this lovely woman (you all know who she is), my mom was trapped inside her hair (exactly like this) on her wedding. But I'll save her the embarrassment and just show you this lady.
TV Shows: Three's Company, of course. 'Jack, eat your salad before it gets cold.' -Chrissy
I'll leave out snorkel goggle glasses for now. That picture would take up all the space for my wandering thoughts.
Anyway, it's quite a feat. Wishing you at least 30 more, Mom and Dad!