So I was paging through my old yearbook the other day, and I came across a short story I wrote in Grade 3 (age 8). I laughed out loud as I realized that I've kept the same style of writing since! However, my grammar, spelling, vocabulary, and sentence variety has much improved. I thought I would share it with you all:
Inside Out
One night I was sleeping and I had a dream. My shirt was inside out. My pants were inside out. Everything was inside out. The store was even inside out. I could not believe it. My pencil was inside out. "Mom", I called. My mom came into my room. My mouth dropped open. She was inside out. "Ahhhhhhh!" I screamed. Then I woke up. Boy was I ever huffing and puffing. "Mooom" I screamed. She said, "What happened?" "I had a bad dream." Then I put my shirt on inside out...
The End.
-Still not sure how a pencil, a store, and my mother could be inside out, but hey, at least I have an imagination.
P.S.- Still praying for Carly's family! Glad to see her mom is making a miraculous recovery!
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