Hey, all. Sorry I've been ignoring your need to read my blog and realize your life is much more uncomplicated and much more relaxing. I'll fill you in quickly while I still have the internet connection I've jacked from my brother's wellness clinic.

The move went well. I'm so sick of packing, and I'm sure that when I begin unpacking I'll be finding barbeque tools with left over cereal boxes and a lonely can of tuna all stuffed in a box. Filling the left over boxes went by in a bit of a blur. My exams were 'meh'. There are only so many major Canadian historical events that took place after Confederation in 1867 that one brain can remember. Still don't have a mark, so I'm taking that as a good sign--he's probably in awe of my insight of how the Maritime Rights Movement impacted Canadians' outlook on decreasing tariffs. Take that, History 102.

We are so glad to be back home with our families (ahem...my niece) for the holidays :) We will be enjoying our stay at both family homes until our house finally arrives mid-January. And since I'm the most patient person on the planet (obviously), it will be a piece o' cake.

I've been found out and summoned off the computer, so enjoy your week or two of holidays and have a very merry Christmas!!