Well, friends, Glee is back...TONIGHT!!! :D :D :D

Unfortunately, there is an extraordinarily yappy dog in the condo next to ours who CONSTANTLY throws tantrums while the owners aren't home. Surprisingly, this can be quite disturbing while trying to accomplish something that is due in only a few hours. So, I came up with a solution.

Step 1. Open iTunes.
Step 2. Search 'Glee Soundtrack'
Step 3. Click Play.
Step 4. Do homework without wishing you had a fully stocked gun cabinet.
Step 5. Dance for your 10 min 'stretching' break.

There you have it folks! Glee is like Windex; it fixes everything!

Now for your enjoyment I have attached a link to the title of this blog. Click it and enjoy some Glee of your own :)