Breaking news from the Freezin' Front*! But obviously, I'm going to tell you the entire story first, so you'll have to wait to hear the breaking news. Just FYI.

*play on my maiden name/hometown winter conditions

So today, my mother, my husband, and I were doing a tad of baby shower shopping for the upcoming celebration of my adorable niece, and I happen to come upon a startling fact in the diaper aisle. After perusing rack after rack of Parent's Choice, Huggies, and Pampers diapers, I came to the realization that clothing a human that has no bladder control can become expensive. Like, REALLY expensive. However, I did finally make my selection: size 2 (14-18 lbs) Pampers diapers. (No, my niece has not hit 14 lbs; however, if you're planning on attending that shower, start taking notes) A box of 84 diapers= $23.99...working out to 35 cents a diaper. Which EQUALS INSANITY!

Want to hear an even more INSANE statistic?

A box of 80 Depends adult underwear is $16.00!!...which works out to 20 cents a diaper!

Folks, it is officially cheaper to for adults to pee their pants than babies. I smell a pyramid scheme.