For all of you who weren't at my wedding, I wanted to share the most amazing Maid-of-Honour speech that has ever graced this earth. :) So kudos, Carissa.

I would now like to encourage all of you to take a pee break, as this speech may induce involuntary bladder leakage. If you don't have to pee now, I insist you click the title of the post which will bring you to a web page filled with wondrous sounds of trickling water. :)

Now, on to the speech!!

I have known Whitney for probably about 11 years, although we have not been close friends for that long. Whitney and I did not get off to the greatest start necessarily but over the years we developed a close friendship, especially in the last four years. When Whitney first told me that I would be writing a speech, I was trying to think of all the embarrassing stories that I could think of to include, but I realized that most of those embarrassing stories that I have about her also include me! So don’t worry Whitney this shouldn’t be too embarrassing.

I decided write my toast as an acrostic that includes a trait or an item that I associate with Whitney for each letter of her name.

W is for weeds. Most of you probably know that Whitney works in the summer for her dad’s spraying company so she has grown very fond of weeds over the last couple of summers. So when you travel with her, you learn all about the weeds on the side of the road while you are driving. A few weeks ago we went to Grande Prairie and while we were driving 100 km/hour down the highway she’s pointing out weeds on the side of the road!

H is for honesty. Whitney is a very honest person and will tell you how she feels. I appreciate Whitney’s honesty because you know what Whitney thinks and you know that what she says is how she feels.

I is for intelligence. Whitney is an incredibly smart person. I was in many of her classes in high school and college and I saw this first hand. To prove this, Whitney is going to University taking Sociology and English.

T is tenacious. Whitney is very determined and when she wants something and it means something for her she will go for it.

Never a dull moment. Life with Whitney is never dull especially when Whitney and I are together. I definitely enjoy our laughing and loud times that we have together. You could probably put Whitney and I in an empty room and we would find something fun to do.

E is escapade. Whitney might not remember this story, but quite a few years ago I slept over at Whitney’s house and the next morning we decided to go on a quad ride since me being the city girl I didn’t ride quads very often. So we rode through one of their fields and as we were driving we noticed a truck that was slowing down and a guy was poking his head out the window and staring. Whitney decided that we should hide so we parked the quad right there in the middle and ducked in behind some “bushes.” The problem was that this was October and the particular bush that we chose did not have many leaves left on it. Also we happened to have left our huge purple and white helmets on. So there we were peering through the sticks at this guy as he drove down the road. After he finally left, we got out of the bush, hopped on the quad and drove away laughing like nothing had happened.

And finally y is for yarn and not yarn as in knitting. The yarn I am thinking of is to tell a tale or a story. For those of you who don’t know Whitney very well she is very creative and has great story telling abilities, or should I say story writing abilities. I think Whitney could publish some of her stories, and yes Whitney I am thinking of the Bob the Buffalo story we created but don’t worry I won’t say anything more about that.

Whitney I am incredibly proud and honoured to be able to stand up here for you today on your special day and I’m also proud to call you my friend. I wish you and Ryan the best as you start your new life together. Congratulations . 

Ok, so I could have warned you to bring some Kleenex too. My bad.