After a terribly long day sitting in class learning about the Neo-Aristitilian rhetoricians and how they make the whole world better by teaching composition processes in "unique" way, I needed to find a happy place. So it made me think: What could reverse my mood from complete BOREDOM to simple happiness? Obviously, my husband came to mind :) and then....(drumroll)....cupcakes!

See Figure A:

Figure A: A diagram of standard rhetorical theory

How does this make you feel? Inspired? Creative? Intelligent? OR Like your having a bad hair day? Like your hungry? Like your bored out of your tree? I hope, for you sake, it's the latter. Please, let it be one of the latter!
Now, see Figure B

Figure B: A delicious looking cupcake :D
Annnnd... how does THIS make you feel? Dreary? Sad? BORED? I DON'T THINK SO! This cupcake has a sense of accomplishment, unlike the centuries of rhetoricians that have shaped language into what it is today. This cupcake satisfies, not only my aching brain cells, but my stomach as well! I'd like to see the art of persuasion do that. Ha!