So I just wanted to share one of my latest experiences with you. It involves late-night Walmart shopping, child sized life jackets, an awkward stranger, my husband, and last but obviously not least: Sarah.

The Beginning:
Wal-Mart is tempting, you know? They carry pretty much anything your evening heart desires: Barbie Jeeps that were forever on your childhood Christmas List that you never got, Dr. Seuss' 'Oh! The Places You Will Go!' (very inspirational), fancy Kleenex box designs, and of course, infant sized life jackets to keeps us afloat during exam season.
So, picture this: Sarah, Ryan, and myself peruse aimlessly (having lost Kirsten in the laundry aisle at least twenty minutes prior). We come across the sporty goods section, and Ryan becomes entranced with a punching bag while Sarah and I hit up the boating aisle. Rods, line, bait, life jackets. Bingo.

The Middle:
Sarah's wanting hand reaches for the TinkleBell toddler size (14-27 kgs). She states, "I want this one" and dawns the jacket. To our astonishment, she actually gets it up past her elbows eventually reaching her shoulders. But of course, it's simply impossible to do up the front dual clips, let alone the crotch strap. 
"You try," she states.
I try. It doesn't fit :( Once again, my Disney dreams are crushed. I've outgrown my childhood! It reaches only to my elbows and then gets stuck. I mean, completely stuck! It was at this point a lovely gentleman graces our presence in aisle 17. He pretends to peruse the plastic tackle boxes as he eyes our dilemma. I try and warn her, "Sarah, there is a guy in the aisle. This aisle. Right behind you."
It doesn't matter because it's too late! He approaches. He chuckles and looks to Sarah, "You look stunning." (Obviously, I don't fit the 'stunning' category as TinkerBell's face is being contorted while it pushes up against the crook of my elbow).

The End:
We begin laughing uncontrollably as I pry the jacket off of my arms and do the same with Sarah's. But then we realized we didn't have a picture to remember this moment. Sarah dawns the jacket once again. I pick out a more sensible size for myself (28-45 kgs). Enjoy.

Kirst, aren't you bummed you missed this?